Staying Amused

 Happy Monday! 

I once saw a poster about journaling that made me want to journal even more. 

I could not remember verbatim but it sort of says that you have to keep a journal to amuse yo
urself on long train rides.  I know mine will.  

I may not be someone who have the best sense of humor or someone who can crack a joke. However, I know that I find myself amusing. 😂

1. I am amused of my thoughts. 

That is why I write them.  Mostly, I don't find them amusing immediately. I tend to appreciate them more after I look back at them after some time has passed.  Its like knowing myself and my thoughts over again.  I don't know if it is because I am forgetful or because my previous thoughts seem wiser than the ones I have now, but that is how it goes. I appreciate my thoughts more when I read them as if they did not come out of me. 

2.  I am amused by my misadventures. 

My mistakes are my own and I wish not to punish myself with them.  I look back at my mistakes, lost chances, impulsive decisions and shake my head in surrender with matching smirk on my face 😏.  What an imperfect life... and how colorful it is! I know I am in the trail I am in now because of my missed turns and I can only guess how my life would have turned out without them. Ultimately though, it is the story and the wonder that makes me appreciate such a flavorful story I am building. 

3.  I am amused when I observe life.  

At the end of each day, I take a step back and just watch/read/ observe life as it happens to me or others like I am apart from it.  Then I become less personal and more curious about the events, reactions and unfolding of my day.  I discover it over again.  

As you may figure out by now, I can never be bored. A lot of things amuse me... mostly, myself.  I may not always laugh at myself but I sure am entertained. 

Are you amused at your own story too? I hope you are. ❤


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