Having Your Own Business

When I went home to the Philippines in 2010 after my mom passed away, I had no job.  I went home precisely because I was to tend to my dad's business anyway and so I did not have getting a job outside of home in the agenda.

Soon after, in 2011, when my dad's company was ably staffed and all system was in place, I ventured on an adventure to start my own travel agency business. With the nudging of my brother Aaron,   I attended a month-long class with Travel Depot and they guided me through the process.  The best contribution this training gave me though was that they forced me to register the business. Thus, XPERIENCE TRAVEL SERVICES was established.

You see, if it were just another course, it would have been just one of those that I attended and forgot after sometime.  This one was different. I registered my business in November against the advise of my accountant because I knew that if I waited for January, this will never come to be.


I plunged into the unknown armed with the lessons and contacts that Travel Depot gave me.  I knew I could depend on my operators, I felt secured I have the guidance of my mentors and I knew I was a good person over all and that people will trust me.  I also know that my parents raised me to do my job well ALL THE TIME.  Of course, there may be hiccups but I cannot be faulted for my effort in any of the jobs I've ever been to.

I knew that with what I know, I can work to make my clients have a good time.  I had no other intention than to make things as safe, smooth and enjoyable as I possibly can.  I love traveling and I know how much of how I view the world now was shaped by the places, people and situations I encountered during my travels.

So this too became the thrust of the service I provided:  To invite people to travel and for them to make meaningful discoveries along the way.  I knew that if people spend more time traveling, spend more time with family, or just immersing themselves in new experiences, they will not only move, they will also learn and eventually change happens - towards whatever direction they propel this to be.


I took the plunge and I knew what I wanted to offer.

Here comes the tricky part.  Getting clients.  I sold bank products, insurance, executive search services before.  However, no one knew me as a travel agent.  I knew a lot of people but I did not know who would need my services.

I did what was immediately available to me being a home based travel agency.  Market through Facebook. More accurately, invite friends to like Xperience Travel's facebook page and then.... WAIT.

Soon enough, friends started to inquire, those who have experienced our service started to refer. Those who, just by mere trust, referred their relatives to us as well. Needless to say, it was a grace-filled experience every time.

Mind you, our operation is not big, nor our client base wide. However, in our close knitted community of clients, we know that we have been part of their enjoyable holiday.  That was more than enough.

There were times when we needed to sacrifice profit just so promises would be delivered and safety is assured.  Nonetheless, everything is done to make sure that we sleep assured we have done our ultimate best.


It was not an easy feat. I most certainly did not do it alone.  I had Travel Depot as mentioned as my mentor. I had an aunt Eva who used to be a travel agent who guided me for sometime as well.  I had Angel, Eloisa, Kath, Ria, Belle to work with me.  I had all my friends and clients who trusted us with their travel and their referrals.  IT IS A COMMUNITY.


Very recently, a long overdue part of the process was given attention to.  I started asking clients to give us their reviews and recommendations.  Quite honestly, I myself got confused with Facebook's Review and Recommendation pages as different devices may allow you to do one thing but not the other.  However, it made me appreciate all the more the effort given by those who actually bothered to give us their thoughts.  I am very grateful that clients remembered their experiences and were actually very objective and detailed in their recommendations.  My heart swells in gratitude. Thank you.  It just made us more eager than ever to delight more families along the way.


Devoting time and energy into a business is a daily endeavor.  Not only because it is a challenge.  Sometimes, it is easier to overcome challenges than overcome mediocrity.

What do I mean?  I must admit, that with my varied activities and interests and with my able staff around, I sometimes lose focus or even detach from the running of the business from time to time.  When there are no urgent tasks to be done, especially if your business is not store-front and therefore there are no walk-ins, it is so easy to say that "Today, I'll take it easy".

Engaging in business actually allows you to do so.  It is one of the privileges of having your own enterprise, owning  your time, and not answering to a boss (other than your clients of course).

However, it also means that everyday, you have the liberty to decide how much passion, innovation, effort, time you are willing to pour into your enterprise.  Therefore, you have to structure your time accordingly, make activities for yourself, search ways to learn on your own, even tap your own shoulder if you must.  Everything is ON YOU.


Notice that I did not mention anything about money.  Simply because it is part of the fruit, not of the tree.

In anything in life, it will be the CORE VALUES that will dictate how joyful you will be in any endeavor.  If it rings true to your core, it becomes a source of happiness for you.  If it fulfills who you want to be for yourself or for others, it feeds your passion and allows you to live the life you want.

Having a business is in most people's bucket list.  It is a worthwhile endeavor and if you have the liberty to do so, something you must try in whatever scale you are capable of.  Like travel, it is something that will help you MOVE. LEARN. CHANGE.


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