Finding Joy

"I wish life was simple, then it would be easier to be joyful."

There lies the mystery of life and joy.  Joy is in the simplicity of life. It is weaved in the simplicity of truth.  Joy is the manifestation of acceptance of what life is... AS IS.  Whatever it is.  Wherever it is. With whomever it is.

So here are some of the ways I think we can find JOY in life right NOW.

1.  Look closer.  It is easy to generalize unhappiness when one area in our life is not working as expected.  Finding joy takes effort.  We are to seek joy if we are to find it.  It has been said that what we focus on expands. If we focus on the problem, it becomes the theme of our existence.  Look for what is going right in your life rather than what is going wrong.  Is it your family's love? Is it your 8 to 5 job? Is it your health? Whatever it is, leverage on that so you can thrust what is going wrong to the background of your day.  

2.  Remove Expectations.  What does being joyful mean to you? Where is that picture coming from?  Are you operating on the premise that joy will only be achieved when life is a certain way? You SHOULD be rich. Life SHOULD be comfortable. He SHOULD love me. I SHOULD win. These expectations narrow down the path to finding joy.  It removes our eyes from the destination and focuses us on the prescribed ideal road we know from unrealistic expectations.  Meanwhile, we fail to accept and work with what is. We miss the journey in favor of what ifs, what shoulds, if onlys.  

3.  Stop criticizing yourself.  We are our greatest critics. The standards we peg for ourselves may be paralyzing sometimes.  Look at your life with the kindness of a friend.  Lend it the patience we give to people we love.  Respect your own journey.

4. Take that step towards joy.  Taking a step away from loneliness may be more challenging than can be described here.  Sometimes, it is necessary to recognize though that this is what we are doing. We are not sad because there is no way out. Most of the time, we are lonely because we refuse to take that step to move away from loneliness and nearer the zone of joy.  After we come to terms with this truth, decide to make that first step. Yes, do not think of the whole mile to joy. Think only of that one step. Is it drafting that letter? Is it meeting that friend? Is it applying for that opportunity? Is it finding that time to be alone? Just ONE step closer. Dwell in that moment and draw from it the strength to take another step.  Every step, a decision.

5.  Believe that joy is possible.  If you do not believe it, how on earth will you find it?

Finding joy is a process of becoming. It is not a state of heart or mind. It is a conscious, dynamic acceptance of the moment, of changes and of joy itself.


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