Happy for Others?

 Happy Monday!

We have to find as many reasons as we can to be happy. A hobby, a dream, a goal, appreciating our experiences and blessings may be our most common go to.  

However, since they all come from us, it may be a finite source and dare I say a "volatile" source.  

There is one source though may be less scarce and less volatile.  This is to source happiness from the happiness of others. 

Why is this a good source of some cheering up? 

There's more of them than you.  We are surrounded by people we love, work with and live amongst.  In the era of social media, you are bombarded with information about other people.  

Is it natural for you to be happy for others, though? 

I have to admit, there are people I can easily be happy for and there are those I struggle to be happy for.  

I tried to reflect to whom I easily get happy for? Here's my list:

1. Those who are also happy for me. 

2. Those who are humble. 

3. Those who generous and open. 

4. Those who shared their journey and struggle to me. 

5. Those who have a purpose and just happens to be really good at what they do. 

Who do I struggle to be happy for? 

1. Those who seem to support me when I am happy myself. 

2. Those who are thinking only of their own happiness. 

3. Those who thinks they got to where they are  on their own without the help of others. 

4. Those who thinks their happiness and success should benefit only themselves. 

5. Those who prevent others to be happy as they are. 

Though I wish to be happy for everyone is happy, I do have my struggle. 

You know what I learned though? 

It is not for me to determine if people deserve their happiness.  

Maybe we all deserve it. Maybe we all don't deserve it so we should be doubly happy when it happens to us and others. 

Who's to say? 

Let people be happy and let yourself be at peace with that. Mirror the happiness you see, no more, no less.  

This is what I want to achieve in time.


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