
 Happy Monday!

Needless to say, no one is spared from feeling frightened nowadays.  From real threats of the COVID-19 virus, economic consequences, even fear of the unforeseen future. 

Fear is an activator or an inhibitor: it causes us to choose between fight or flight. It may cause us to jump for action, act defensively, or withdraw out of dismay or timidity. 

Is one better than the other? No. 

Understanding what fear does to us will help us understand and respond appropriately. The more we observe our tendencies in the face of fear, the more we can evaluate if our response is doing us good or not. 

1. Is your response to fear thoughtful? Are you able to discriminate real from made up threats and consequences? 

2.  Who do you talk to when you feel fearful and unsure. Do they encourage your fear or challenge you to act? 

3. How does your response to fear affect the way you face uncertain situations? Have you lost opportunities because of them? Have you become more creative? Do you surprise yourself? 

Fearful situations, real or not, are bound to appear in our lives. More than anything else, I see fear as a call to courage. Courage to let things pass or charge on. Courage to let go or fight for what is due. Courage to let others win, or claim the victory. 

Courage therefore does not just mean bravery. It means being able to do what is necessary in the face of danger, uncertainty or threat. 

Courage does not spring from us overnight. It takes little steps each time to the right and wrong direction, learning how to do better next time around.  

We do not become courageous when we never win or when we always do. 

We become courageous when we always TRY.



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