Powerful Mornings

 Happy Monday!

The way we spend our days is how we are spending our lives. It is a big responsibility and we owe it to ourselves to conquer the days we are given successfully. 

To set the tone for the day, we should lay the foundation in the morning.  It is not always easy to start energized and positive.  A lot of us actually wake up anxious and science has an explanation. 

Cortisol, our "fight or flight" hormone is at its highest in the first hour of the morning.  This brings to mind the Filipino saying "Magbiro ka na sa lasing wag lang sa bagong gising". Cortisol makes us react out of fear or anxiety.  Thus, we should establish for ourselves a routine that protects and controls this tendency. 

Instead of spending the morning unprepared and rushed, establish practices that helps you calmly ease through your morning.  Wake up earlier than others to get a few more minutes of alone time. Have the materials you need near you (a good read, a picture of people important to you and gives meaning to your life, your work out clothes, etc) and make a system to make sure that you have anticipated the happenings of the day ahead of time. 

Also, do not trigger yourselves unnecessarily with bad news or bad vibes in social media.  Do not anxiously scan through messages and emails as well.  Instead, center yourself through prayer, meditation and affirmations that prepares your mindset for whatever you would face for the day. 

Want to talk about self-care? Do some of these practices in the morning because apparently, we are reset to a fearful, vulnerable kid everyday. Give yourself some love with a nice walk, warm bath, healthy breakfast, hugs from loved ones. 

Having a sense of control on how we spend the first hour of the day gives us the confidence that we can conquer whatever will come. 

Have you established a morning routine for yourself already?


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