Common Humanity

 Happy Monday!

Your pain is not yours alone.

A friend requested that I write about self-compassion and though all three pillars of self-compassion are worth visiting, I would like to concentrate on one in particular.

Reason: There is no better time in our personal history than now to realize this 👇

Common Humanity

When we are sad, panicked, stressed, or hard on ourselves, we are drawn to curl up and focus on our SELF. "Why is this happening to me?" "Just my luck!" "They don't understand!" "This always happens to me" "If only I were..."

This pillar of self-compassion makes us draw strength from the thought that this problem, concern, or flaw is not unique to us. Compassion in itself is a communal and relational experience. Now, more than ever, we are given the chance to relate and understand others. Use it well and we'd greatly improve our mental health.

How does common humanity help us be more compassionate towards ourselves and others?

1. It makes us think of ourselves less. When we stick our nose to our flaws or concerns, it weakens us because we get to a point of hopelessness or helplessness. If we remain too close to the problem, we may not see possibilities and solutions easily. Worse, we wallow in self-pity and get nowhere even if solutions may already be in front of us.

2. It makes us think of others. Being aware that other people also have the same flaw or is going through the same thing as us makes us more curious how they are dealing with it. It also makes us relate with their experiences that outwardly reflects what we feel inside. In most cases, solution or not, this is the start of healing. Catharsis in the works.

3. It makes you stronger together. Not all concerns have solutions. However, if we are to look for one - collective brainstorming, action and effort will lead us to solutions faster. We learn from each others' feelings, response, and experiences. We find inspiration in triumphs, compassion in failed attempts, it broadens our understanding of our humanity.

Common humanity is one way of celebrating vulnerability. It is a less threatening approach to facing our fears and weaknesses because we are holding each others' hands. We therefore become kinder to ourselves and more understanding of others.

In a world divided by dissenting opinions caused by fatigue, panic, fear, personal weaknesses, we spread the practice of self-compassion not only to those like us, but most importantly to those who are different. We will soon find out that to be understood, we first need to understand.

Image may contain: 1 person, closeup, text that says 'Our common humanity is more important than all the things that divide us. -Mairead Corrigan AZQUOTES'


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