Finite or Infinite Game?

Are you living the finite or the infinite game?
Happy Monday!
In one of those days when I suddenly wake up at 3:00am and find myself unable to sleep, I chanced upon the talk of Simon Sinek regarding his new book about the Infinite game.
In principle, he says that (ok, this is how I understood it) we should always be focusing on the long haul rather than the short wins.
1. We should look at ourselves being ahead or behind others, not winning or losing against others. This is because the game is not over until it is.. by that we mean, THE END.
2. Our decisions should not be focused on short, intermediary values of profit, a deal or one time sale if in the end, we sacrifice our values, our long term relationships and partnerships.
3. Focus on lasting skills, on things that makes you flexible and resilient because you are not playing in a game with fixed rules but rather, a game that is constantly changing (lifestyles, businesses, communities).
4. Treating the environment not as a replaceable commodity but nurturing it for future generations.
5. Standing on the side of what is right, despite current powerful positions/politics that is subject to a shift of power anyway.
Optimism, as described by proponents of positive psychology, is being able to look at set backs as temporary. It is also to look at our wins to be temporary so we look forward to being better everytime.
This day is temporary.
This problem is temporary.
This state of mind is temporary.
Guess what?
We aim to be in it for the long haul though. What is a longer haul than eternal life?
In the book, Sinek also mentioned about "just cause". That infinite players are guided by a foundational just cause. May ours be to constantly "play" towards the achievement of eternal life.
All Saints day is just around the corner. Our champions im heaven are rooting for us all. 🏅


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