5 Notes to Self for 2019

2019 is sooo promising and I am excited to face it.  Before I dive into it though, I have to refocus and trim down my thoughts to what I think are important. 

Here are my top 5 notes to self for the year 2019.  

I don’t do this as often as I hope I could. I know that every conversation in my head addressed to God is a prayer but if you have had me sit down for a conversation, you’d know how I can be easily distracted by various topics. 

So this year, I want to spend more time in focused prayer and make an effort to pray for others more.

“That’ ok. It is your opinion, not mine.” 

This year, I will guard myself from being too moved by the opinion of others. A constant check on “is that my voice or hers/his?” is in order.
This is not to disagree but to simply not be drowned out by everybody else’s voice.

“That’ ok. It is your opinion, not mine.” 

This year, I will guard myself from being too moved by the opinion of others. A constant check on “is that my voice or hers/his?” is in order.
This is not to disagree but to simply not be drowned out by everybody else’s voice.

“I am not you, and that is ok”

There are so many people who are more successful, more witty, have more in life , and it is hard not to be distracted.

Some of them are really to be emulated, but not at the expense of destroying one self with the rust of envy or the weight of despair.

To each his own and nurturing my own mind and environment in such a way that I can be joyful and purposeful living in my own realities should be more important.

I have been speaking about resilience in my blog and even in my trainings. However, resilience is not something we can learn by reading or listening to others. It needs two things: One, a welcoming attitude and two, a lot of practice. 

This year, I will not make life easy. I will make life purposely challenging. I will aim to do what I am not comfortable doing. I will not go the easy route. I will not settle till I’m tired. I will withhold some pleasures. I will deliberately look for opportunities not make things too easy for me. 

I may never know when resilience will be demanded of me. But I know I need to be ready.

Of course, a new year’s post will not be complete without wanting to better my health. Two things and two things only though. Drink more water and walk every day.

Five things, easy to remember right? I am sure that despite their simplicity, I will meet challenges to do them consistently.  

That is why I should add a Post Script:  Recalibrate all the time.  Help me. 


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