
I am single at 42.

Whew! What an entrance.  Ahahaha!

My point is, happiness begins with acceptance.  My bigger point is - happiness seldom happens when we cannot accept what IS.

For many, it is easier to account what others have, appreciate their qualities, admire what they own, even ridicule their short comings than to stare down on what is IN YOUR LIFE.  It is as if judging other people's lives allow one to escape facing one's own life

Sad to say, looking outside the window will not make us tend what is inside our own home, so to speak.

Here are three things I think we could do to accept life as it is, NOW.

1.  Take stock of what you have.  The good and the bad. Listing down the good things makes us grateful. Writing down the bad makes us courageous.  Accepting them both makes us wise.  Taking stock is our ability to look at what we have on our plate as they are.  No judgments. No regret. No conditions.  This is your today. This is you. This is the PRESENT.

2.  Determine whose filters you use to assess your life.  Who do you listen to? Whose standards are you trying to meet?  It is inevitable to listen to outside influences in assessing our life.  However, we should choose them carefully.  Most importantly, can you still hear yourself amidst the standards and demands of  their influences?

3.  Lastly,  be at peace with yourself.  You are alright.  You are surviving despite of what you do not have. You have your own standards. You are enough. Accompany the person you are now to journey it is taking to become the person you want it to be in the future.  Show yourself support, encouragement, love.

Know, Assess, Accept.  Simple as it sounds, it takes time to be able to look in the mirror and be happy with what you see.  Meanwhile, consciously look inward rather than outward so you can focus more effort on being happy with yourself rather than comparing yourself with others...which is more often than not, a waste of time.


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