Take Care of Today

 Happy Monday!

Well at least what is left of it.

Things have been busy around here and I wish I could say it is because eveything has gone back to normal. One year since the lockdown, it hasn't. 

All I know is that me and my family along with a lot of my friends have survived the most challenging year yet. We continue to hope that this ends soon. 

A lot of people ask me how I stay sane staying at home. For someone who spends a lot of time working outside, traveling and meeting up with friends, I too am still surprised how this is not crippling me psychologically. 

One, we have to continue looking for things to do.  I do not run out of things to do and still more that I wish I could squeeze in.  When you focus on keeping yourself productive, time just get occupied and days just seamlessly from from morning to night. 

Two, keep moving.  Stretching has been a friend nowadays.  With the limited space I  able to work around with, the intentional morning stretches become increasingly necessary ... and yes, enjoyable.  I used to think are just preludes to exercise. Now I look forward to stretching a lot... despite my limited flexibility, it gives me much comfort. Walking for 30 mins whenever is also a refuge for me. It affords me time away from the computer and clear my head.  Two simple things I hold on to nowadays to celebrate the fact I can still move.  

Three, I try to exercise my mind. Be it reading, filing, talking to someone, creating problems to solve even. What ever it is, my mind continues to think, figure out, create and work.  I also train my mind to reject "busy" with momentary pauses here and there.  Sometimes in the middle of a "rush" just to tell myself I can stop anytime if I want. Oh what liberty! 

Our inner world, our responsibility to tend that garden of sanity and healthy outlook and longing for life will help us survive even when we see no end to our concerns at the moment. I have no solution, but i have my activities, my body, my mind, and TODAY. 

Whatever I can do today, whoever is given to me today, what ever life affords to give me today... i will take on, take care and take in. 

Today is not perfect. It just IS.  It is enough.


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