Overcoming Envy

 Happy Monday!

Have you come across an envious person lately? 

There is only one way to describe someone eaten up by envy - SAD. 

That is why I believe that NO ONE chooses to be envious in the same manner that no one will consciously choose sadness. 

Can someone who could not fend off feeling envious do something about this? 

As I always advocate in this space, it all boils down to what mindsets you espouse and the corresponding actions you take.  

1.  The world's blessings are infinite. 

An envious person will feel that because Jane got 10 million, she would never get the chance to be richer and better.  Truth is, the blessings in this world is infinite. Why do I say so? Because even if Jane got 10 Million, some Sarah will get a hold of a 100 Million and then another Maria will have a Billion and so on.  

What other people has do not have any direct relation to what we get to have. Their riches, their beauty, their smarts nor their poverty, misfortune or ignorance will not make us better or worse.   

There is plenty where others get their blessings. Concern yourself to have a dip at that eternal resource instead of feeling disadvantaged because others have more.  

2.  Appreciate what you have here and now.  

Gratitude and awareness.  These two things do not make up happiness... but they are requirements.  Without them, one will not be happy now... or ever.  

These two increases our ability to accept, feel, and enjoy what is in front of us. This also assures that we will enjoy what is in store for us.  This obviously will require you to be introspective. Directing our sight to what we have, what we use, what we are working on will keep our focus away from what others have, use or are working on.  Yes, you get to mind your own business! 

3.  Get used to seeing the good in others.

Be comfortable around the beautiful, successful, smart, rich, peaceful people. Get to know them, their stories, the challenges, their journey. 

This way we make them our mentors and our friends. It is so much easier to be happy for the success and triumph of people we know more closely. Our relations with them can  only make us better people. Being one of them is can also be a perk.  

If you think they are undeserving, they had it easy, they were just lucky or similar... they are not worth your headspace, let them go! 

Instead of envy, believe, learn and understand how good can come, can manifest, can be possible in your own life as well. 

Enjoy the week peeps! 👀


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