Prioritize These When Making Decisions

 Happy Monday!

Do you ever stop to think what decisions led you to where you are right now?
I have written about decisions many times in my blog and every time I make one that energizes me, I could not help but want to share about it even more.
We may think we are making decisions every time, but really most of our days, when we are not careful, can be on auto-pilot. Although this is not completely bad, because making decisions every step of the way will surely exhaust you, it should not be the way to go on important things in life.
For me, decisions are extremely important on these areas:
1. Habits. This is an everyday battle. What habits are stopping you from growing? What habits make you feel like you can conquer the world? Mind you, these are minute actions that when you decide to seriously build up on, can change you. Even the most successful people still talk about morning routines, or exercise or conquering vices like any normal person does. Simply because there is where the battleground is.
2. Who to keep and let go. This is difficult but once you have curated the select people you want to stay in your life, you change. Your mindset, your confidence, your activities change. You should actively decide whose company or opinion should matter to you. There are times when physically distancing yourself from people you want to let go may be impossible, but the decision on how their presence should affect you is something you can decide on.
3. Lastly, you decide on values. When everything changes, when everything else fails - what would you save? To which would your actions lean on? Will you spend on reliability? Will you sacrifice for honesty? Will you be willing to put everything on the line for honor?
These are not always heroic and monumental decisions. They could be much simpler and common place. Would you turn off your computer to be a reliable father? Would you sacrifice relationship to give out an honest opinion? Would you defend a friend?
I always believe that decisions are our super powers. They enable us to select the course of our lives. Wherever we find ourselves, whoever we find ourselves with in the future is made up of tiny decisions that led us there.
Think. What decisions did you make today? Where will that lead you tomorrow?
Image may contain: tree, outdoor and nature, text that says 'YOU ARE ALWAYS ONE DECISION AWAY FROM A TOTALLY DIFFERENT LIFE. E E. #joyinmetoday'


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