Be Happy For Others

Happy Monday!

Real Talk: The reason you are not happy for others is because you are sad.

 It is not too late, you can still be happy. 

As always, our feelings towards others is a tell tale sign of what we are battling with inside. Kick yourself out of the rut the moment you sense jealousy, bitterness or even resentment towards other people's happiness. It will make you a better human being just by learning how to find joy in the happiness of others.

Some thoughts on how you can get started towards that direction.

  1. LOVE. I know when I truly love somebody. I am not threatened by their good fortune, I am first to be happy about their successes (sometimes happier for them than they are for themselves simply because I am "over") and I encourage them to do more/be more. I also know that the reverse is true. When I don't love the person, I feel the exact opposite and I just know, the remedy is to LOVE THAT PERSON MORE.
  2. ABUNDANCE. I said this, and I am saying it again. The mindset of abundance is not that we think we have more, but that we think there is plenty where that came from. What is the difference? Possession. When we feel we are entitled to possess, we tend to want to KEEP. When we think with abundance, we know the secret is to GIVE. Therefore, we do not feel insecure or lacking. Only then too can we feel happy that others are getting their share and you keep filling each others' cup - a wonderful way to live with others.
  3. JOY. You will not make the world a better place by making it more sad. "REALISTS", as they call themselves, feel that the more you ruminate on everyday sad realities, the closer you are at solving the problem. Eh, hmmmm... what is wrong with this belief? What we focus on, expands. If we stick our nose too close to the problem, we might lose sight of the solution. It is one thing to know the problem. It is another thing to want to solve it. Sulking, complaining, attacking people who are looking at it with hope, will not get you an inch closer to making things better.

 So, yes. Examine how happy or bothered you are when others are happy. If you feel off just by sensing they are having a party, do one of these things:







Charge on to a happy week my friends!


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