Social Media and I

Happy Monday! 

I am not made for social media, are you? 

These posts are getting really late in the past couple of weeks. I had to ask myself why I feel so "duh" nowadays.  I read some early blog posts last night and I just felt I was making more "sense" then.  This is not because I have not been reading much, nor is it because I have not been learning a lot with the activities that I am involved in.  Then I realized, there's just too much noise around me now, I cannot seem to filter out information and organize my thoughts as easily as I was able to in the past.  

Since I, like many others, resort to social media to connect and be heard nowadays, it was easy to find the culprit.  Me and my relationship with social media.  

Although I am now officially managing a profile, a page, and a group - I simply could not wrap my head around the "busi-ness" of the virtual world.  The necessity of communicating and communing with people online is, for lack of a better word, tiring me out, for different reasons.  

First, I don't think I am wired to think social media.  I do not know what "speaks" to people.  I'd like to think I know what makes sense. However, social media does not prioritize you making sense.  Social media wants you to catch attention and pique interest.  I don't think I speak that language.  

Second, I feel like I am drowning in information.  I get tired just screening what I need from those that I don't.  That is information alone. Include opinions and a tidal wave of thoughts just wash me away.  

Lastly, I am a tactile person. I thrive in experience. I like to feel people's energy.  Virtual communication simply does not do that for me.  In the past months, I have been in and out of webinars - tourism industry related or because of my consulting practice.  Although I think what we do get the job done, I feel like everything needs to be set up 2x harder to make an experience.  I usually just wing experience.  I want situations to be raw.  Now, I have to plan it out or it does not happen.  

However, in a world that revolves around being "connected", there is a need for me to make peace with this nemesis.  

Over the weekend, I started reading books (not ebooks) that I can touch.  I have also been writing on my journal more.  Lastly, I began walking around the open space downstairs just to get myself away from the computer.  Today, I also ordered some plants for my room.  

I want a more stable "signal" so that my brain will not be shifting too much from one stimulus to another.  I am training my brain to make connections and conclusions that are not fed to me so I could think more.  I am doing my best to not look at a screen over a period of time to reconnect with my thoughts.  

If you are in the same boat, I hope you pause and consider similar steps to "step out" of the social media madhouse once in a while. 

Although being in this media is a way of life nowadays, I enjoin you to challenge yourself to unplug from time to time as well.  I guess, a little space between social media and I will make our relationship healthier too.  More imporantly, by tuning back to myself, I would be able to give out more ideas that resonate to me and hopefully connect me more to my message. 


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