Words that Mean Something

Happy Monday!

Like clanging cymbals.

It is so easy to be tempted and be dazzled by constant, seemingly important words that prove to be baseless, empty and just plain noise in the greater scheme of things.

How do we make our words MEAN something?

1. Make promises and keep them.

This is the very definition of words meaning something. If people cannot rely on your words, in time, they will not mean anything to people anymore.

2. Let your words build rather than destroy.

What we say will remain meaningful for both you and the receiver only if it is about solutions rather than just the problem. When it is objective rather than just speculative. When they prompt people to act rather than gossip. Why? Because the former brings about change, the latter, well nothing.

3. Speak from a place of reflection, not projection.

Projection in Psychology is unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else. The key word being UNCONSCIOUS. Reflection makes us aware of our own attributes, accept, own and change them when needed. We become responsible to changes in ourselves, not of the changes in others.

4. Filter what you let in your awareness.

Our words reflect our interactions, what we read, watch, or do. Trash in, trash out. You wouldn't let trash clutter your house, why would you let it clutter your thoughts?

5. Recognize that your real message is the life you live.

In the end, your life will be louder than your words, your posts, your preaching. Work on your life, your relationships and your faith. That is enough work for a lifetime. Don't tire yourself impressing people. That is an unnecessary toil. Other people will think as they like no matter what you put out there. What is important is that you sound true to you, and that is enough.

How does that sound?

photo: ctto


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