Take Responsibility

Happy Monday!
Several times last week, I heard the following phrases...
...the leader we wish we had
...the life we wish to live
...the change we wish to see
...the childhood we wish to live in
...the future we wish to have
In all occasions, the context was in taking responsibility for them.
It is so easy to look for these sort of things from our environment. It is much harder to ask ourselves, "If I want it so bad, what am I doing about it?"
All the clamor for others, management, systems, governments, even God, to make it easy for us will lead nowhere without our participation.
Taking responsibility and owning up to the task of making things possible may sound demanding but it does have its advantages:
1. We learn that it is not as easy or as quick as we thought it'll be.
2. We learn to dig deep about those who can and find out how to make things happen.
3. We learn to look at our reaction + effort and stop making a fool of ourselves by being an entitled expectator to life.
If there is anything now that you want so bad...
1. Find someone else who share the same passion and work with them.
2. We cannot all be visionaries but we can support people with vision.
3. Stop yourself from complaining and change "they should" to "i should" and see where you go from there.
I should go back to work now. You should too 
Enjoy the week ahead!


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