Begin With the End in Mind

Happy Monday!

“Begin with the end in mind”.

This principle popularly known as the second habit in Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Successful people is something I adhered to for a long time now.

What is the by-product of practicing this principle?   Clarity.

1. Clarity of Purpose.
In the end of our lives we will be faced with this question: What purpose did I serve with my existence?
We exist for a purpose. Why are we here? Why do we do the things we do? Why do we matter? To whom did we matter? How will we be remembered?
Anticipating with accountability the answers we will give to these questions will direct our lives along our purpose.

2. Clarity of Steps.
When purpose is clear, we can make clear, bold strides towards it. We waste no time on things, thoughts, activities, even people, who takes us away from our purpose.
Without a clear purpose, we walk fast towards a random destination. In the end, we might find ourselves somewhere we do not want to be.

3. Clarity of Joy.
We will never have everything completely, absolutely working for us. However, if we begin with the end in mind, we can secure and protect the ones that are most important. We will be quick to recognize what can be sacrificed in favor of what has more value to us.

Therefore, we can fully appreciate what we have even if we have to let go of other seemingly important things along the way. We do not feel like we missed out on anything because we have what mattered from the very beginning.

How easy (physically, emotionally and mentally) would life be with clarity, right?


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