Ask the Right Questions

Happy Monday!

I am a fan of questions. In my line of work, i ask a lot of questions. Whether it is to get accurate needs, or to encourage critical thinking, questions work for me.

There is one question though that bothers me, not because it is not necessary but because of its effect on people. 

I wish we don’t ask this question anymore so that the answer will no longer matter.

“Are you happy?”

Yup, that is the question. For me, this is the quickest way to make people “unhappy”.

Are you happy here? Are you happy at work? Are you happy about this/that? Are you happy where you are?  Are you happy with how you look? Are you happy now? The list goes on. 

I remember being asked this question in one of my past employments and I thought it over so much, blamed all my recent misfortunes in the job, my discontent in life, and even the savings on my bank account. I resigned a month after.

There are of course those occasions when you ask yourself this question: when you just committed to a decision, birthdays, new year.  What’s the usual answer?

Tell you what, there will be discontents and life will not be perfect. Therefore, there will be crevices there where unhappiness might creep in.

Sometimes, we already feel unhappy and is just finding that reason, that escape goat to pin the blame on.

We are happy. Then we are not. Rest assured though that we will be happy again. It all depends on the question.

Instead of asking yourself if you are happy, why not try these 5 questions:

What will I do today to make life meaningful for me and others? 

What do I have that I can share to multiply its ability to make me/others happy. 

What do I not need anymore in order to be happy? 

What is my state of happiness  teaching me at the moment? 

What is more important than my happiness?

I find that those people who actually made a difference are those who make sacrifices, goes the long cut, is comfortable with discomfort. They work towards something good and noble no matter the odds and then finds themselves happy in the end.

Happiness is not accidental. It is incidental. 

We make ourselves happy and joyful by the lives we live, not with what life gives us. 

Work on making a difference, not on being happy. 

May we all start the week asking ourselves the right questions... so that we get to the right answers 👍.



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