A Little Lower Than The Angels

Happy Monday! 

You know what brought me joy this morning? 

Realizing that we were created by God just a little less than the angels. 

Let me explain. 

First off, the season of Lent has started and so does our meditation on the Passion of Christ our Savior. 

Second, the meditations for this season always starts off with a warning:  The Devil is as real as that person staring at you right now while you read this post 😰.

Third, that the Devil and demons were once angels themselves but have managed to corrupt themselves due to envy and greed. For this they were forever damned to be separated from God which is by the way, the definition of hell (think 🧐).

Lastly, today I rejoice because, knowing all the three above, I know that we, men, are loved and showered with God’s Mercy from the beginning of time. 

If we were made exactly as angels, then our first parents’ sin would have damned the whole humanity to eternal separation from God even before we started. Nope. We lost our preternatural gifts (super powers really, look this up!) but we did not lose Home.  A plan was set to roll, in fact, immediately to get us back on track. 

We lost immortality. Which in hindsite is a good thing. We have a whole 20, 30, 70, 100+ years as grace would allow to build back a relationship that was lost... after that, we get to go Home to our Father. 

Why? We were made “children” of God. Not perfect, but children who needs grace, inspiration, guidance, mercy, unlimited chances to love God back. 

We were not eternal beings (though we were suppose to be immortal) and so our damnation was not eternal... well, unless we want to. 

“A little less...” worked out. 

Now, let this joy remind us of the primary business we have to be busy with in this life... to go back Home. 

Meanwhile, let us ask our guardian angels to guide us on our way.

Let us set our hearts on the particular “love offering” we will give this season of Lent and the particular people we will be praying for to take full advantage of the grace of the season. 

Enjoy giving! 



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