Where Would You Be In 5 Years?

Newton’s first law of motion states that every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line UNLESS it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it.

Therefore, if I do not intend to be in motion, I will be standing still.  Figuratively, if I do not intend to make changes towards growth, I will stagnate in life. 

Where were you in life five years ago?  How much did you grow personally since then? Is where you are right now a place you intended  yourself to be in?

Is your life intentional? 

Working on our life and living with intention is a life long process:. I’d say, it is one key ingredient to being joyful.  Since we all want our lives to improve, we can grow when we go after what we want with intention.  

How do we connect with a life of intention and run with it?

First, be AWARE of where you are in life.  Have a firm footing of your starting point. This is the point from which you will grow. If we do not know the condition of our beginning, how can we sense our progress? Honesty is a virtue needed in this stage.  Where does your strength lie? Where are your weaknesses at? Who and what do you have in life? What are your prevailing thoughts? What stops you? What drives you? 

Second, APPRECIATE what you have.  All the answers to the questions above makes you YOU.  Appreciate YOU. The part that the past has imprisoned, The part that the future paralyses. The part that was hurt so bad, it no longer believes. The part that was so happy, it made you relax too much. The part that no one believes in. The part that you like and is afraid to lose.  The part that impresses even you. The part too soft to be unkind. Appreciate all parts of you because YOU will encounter the strength and weakness of each part in your journey. 

Third, CREATE a future for you. All parts of YOU in tow, move ahead towards a future you make. When we create, we take action. We take a hold of and mold. We press on with, you guess it right, intention.  Where will you be tomorrow? What activity will you insert in your schedule to be a day nearer the reality you are creating? One little activity, one little habit, one little intention can bring you to a life you imagine. Ignore this, and you stand still, or regress. 

Fourth, ACCEPT the process. It will not be easy. You will fail sometimes. People will misunderstand you sometimes. They will not support you sometimes. You will be improper sometimes. You will mess up sometimes. Then again, you will also succeed sometimes. You will be kinder than you thought you could. You will be able to go above your weaknesses. You will get stronger, firmer, more united with your intentions as long as you press on. The process facilitates and challenges. Dance with it... always moving towards growth. 

Therefore, lastly, DETACH from the result.  This may seem counter intuitive to intention. However, by doing so, we do not get frustrated. We do not operate under  the illusion of control. You do not forego experiences because it does not support the intention. There Are serendipitous lessons along  the way. You enjoy the process. 

In the end, living with intention is not simply goal setting or visioning. Intention is setting to motion the principle of growth. We set sail towards a direction but we open ourselves to experience the consequences of the path we set to sail on. 

Intention is an experience, a journey, not a destination. In the process, we do not HAVE... we BECOME. 

Therefore, the question is not only where you’d be in 5 years, but more importantly, WHO would you be then? 


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