
We exist in time, so does joy.

Memories, regret, hope are also co-inhabitants in time.  There is no real joy unless we are at peace with all that was, is and will be.

Time moves, it presses on.  That is why another concept comes into play all the time. This concept is that of CHANGE.  The more we are comfortable with change, the better for our emotional and psychological state of being.

Life is tiding through the ebb and flow of things, people and events in our lives.

How can we be comfortable with change then, so that this life becomes a joyful journey?

1.  Be ready.  There is nothing that throws us off balance than being unprepared for change.  Since we already established that change is a constant in a moving time, we should at least be ready for it.  In good times, paddle on so that you are ready to move up to even better times, better skills, stronger relationships, wider network.  You know what? When times are tough, same thing.  Let not interludes of bad days set you off track.  Be ready for the good times, when opportunities are ripe, when the right person comes, when abundance is cast.  Being ready for change means openness to the surprise of everyday and a steadiness to deal with them.

2.  Think small steps.  I may have communicated my fascination with small steps in previous posts because it did do magic to me.  I tend to be a big picture kinda gal.  I want an overhaul all the time.  I want noticeable, significant change. This all changed when I discovered the magic of small steps.

When moving towards a change, think small steps.  One little act towards the change you want is better than paralysis and discouragement when improvements are not noticeable.

When change is imposed on us, think small steps.  Look at your situation and apply one small effort at a time and move on from there.

Lost your job?  Aim to prepare that resume.  Just that.  Don't even think beyond that.  Just have that resume ready for now.  Once that is done, think of the next step.

Ended a relationship?  Aim to just dress up at a certain time everyday.  Just that.  I did not say shower, go to work, meet up friends. Just dress up for yourself and strive to look like you are ready to tide this through. Just that.

Changed in financial situation?  Aim to list down what you still have and make a plan. Just that.  A list is an objective, visual cue of the situation. Truth and reality may sting but they are your friends.  They give you a realistic starting point.

3.  Fortify your character.  YOU deal with change. Not your family, not your friends, not your superiors.  Invest time on strengthening your character and identifying values.

Your character is the cradle of joy.  When you know what is important to you, external changes do not destroy your joy.  Ironically, it strengthens your character because it is being tested, exercised and called to be exhibited.  This goes both ways.  When things improve, your character keeps you grounded.  When things change for the worse, your character is called to shine through.

Of the phases of time and change, we only have one friend -  TODAY.

Invest on yourself today, invest in your relationship today, invest on your character today.  Then we live with no regrets, face the future with no fear and embrace today as it is, a friend.

Are you ready to embrace the day?


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