Money Talk

I would love to have lots of money.  Now we can set that aside.

 However, it is an established fact that money alone cannot make you happy, much less joyful.  To some, living a life of privilege may even be restrictive.  To others who don't have it though, the same is true. 

In a book entitled "Think Small"  authors Owain Service and Rory Gallagher said:  "If you are not happy about money, then you may not be using it right."

Makes you think.

You may have joy having little or lots of money, that is what I think. Its the way you dance with it that matters.  

So how do I become ready to be financially abundant? First, let us set our perspective of money straight.  

Money is flexible

I had the privilege of interviewing some students from the public schools around the Philippines for a much coveted scholarship by a reputable foundation.  I was moved by stories of students living alone with a PhP200.00 allowance for a week and are thriving in school. 

Recently, I had a more close up conversation with a similar student and when I told her how touched I was about these stories, she, with a stoic face said matter of factly "Ganun nga po" (That is how it is).  She then told me that a PhP10.00 allowance can go a long way in the province because there are PhP5.00 noodle meals available to them and that alone fills you up.  Walking for thirty minutes to school is a norm and she is not bothered by that at all.  She was happy with what she has. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world... well, you know how it is.

I am sure you have encountered people who earn little but has a small house they own. On the flipside, a person who earns much but is always short.

There are misers who have lots of money but could not find joy in it. Everything is a threat to the level of money they can keep to themselves.  Yet there are those who spend thoughtfully and makes his money work for the joy of others and ultimately himself.

Money is flexible like that. 

Be comfortable with money

Another story I am fond of telling about money is a short encounter with an office mate about 15 years ago.  

On a pay day, I entered our office pantry and saw just one person in a usually crowded room.  I told her, I must have been too early for lunch and she responded with " Sweldo eh, alam mo na, di sila sanay ng may pera"  (Its pay day, you know, they are not used having money).  It may not have been a most kind response but it did ring some truth to the matter.

Be comfortable to have money. Do not equate money to spending. Equate money to goals, security, flexibility and you would have a greater appreciation of it. 

Abundance mindset

Lastly, is a story about a father and his child in a toy store.  Whilst the child was persuading his father to buy him a toy, with a very thoughtful consideration, the child asked the father if they can afford what he likes.  

The wise father responded this way: " Yes of course we can afford it.  We can afford that and many more.  We are rich.  The question is, do you need it?" 

Asked why he responded that way, he explained:  I don't want my son to operate on the scarcity mindset.  He may or may not get that toy but purpose should be the measure, not money.

Now, reflecting on it, that would have made that child more ready for abundance.  If he has no money, he will have enough reason to work for what he wants.  If he has lots of money, he will not be swept by whim or overcompensate by satisfying a repressed childhood need.  

Our perception of money affects our relationship with it and ultimately, the joy it will bring us. These  stories illustrate how I think we could be ready to be abundant.

An abundance, not because of quantity of what we have,  but the quality of joy we get from it.

1. Joy is not in the amount of money we have but the sufficiency of our money to the needs we create.
2. Be excited about what your money can do for you and others as it  grows. Build it up.
3. Purpose over purchase is the guideline.

As we close the work week, I leave you with this thought: 

How does your perception of money support your joy right now?


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