Wellspring of Joy

The realm of joy resides deep in our being. It is therefore inevitable that we mention the soul when we talk about joy. 

We know joy when we know our soul: its nature, its source and what it yearns for. Where is the compass of your soul pointing at? To what and whom will it find fulfillment? What is your soul drawn to? 

You see, the soul has a different compass from the body. Our body seeks pleasure, our soul seeks consolation. Our body seeks knowledge, our soul seeks wisdom. Our body seeks beauty, our soul seeks goodness. 

When we seek what the soul longs for, we experience joy. 

However, as in all that is pure and noble, the cycle of joy is never complete unless it is shared. For example, God created us because He naturally wants to share His Goodness. Goodness cannot reach its full measure unless it is given away. Such too, is joy. We are never completely joyful, unless what we know, experience, or have, is shared. 

 The wellspring of joy, therefore is  sustained by giving it away. 

 How do we keep ourselves in this cycle that perpetuates joy? 

1. Look inside. Spend quiet time centering yourself and getting in touch with your soul. Meditate, pray, calibrate your compass and identify what is really important in the greater scheme of things. How do we know? Ask yourself : When all else is stripped down, what 3 things will you find solace in? Nourish your soul with activities that bring you closer to the things that are of true value to you. 

 2. Look outside. Look at the people that surround you. Do they have access to joy because you are in their lives? When they need to be stronger, lighter, happier - do they turn to you? What value do you add to them? Whose life have you changed because you cared, because you noticed, because you were present? 

3. Look up. Recognize the source of joy. We are instruments of joy, not the source. We are finite beings and we cannot draw from ourselves more than we have at the moment. Likewise, when we draw joy from people, we may  end up depleted because the joy we give may not necessarily bounce back to us. Remember again, that the source is not people.  The source and reason of joy is God.  

Only in our soul can we experience joy. Only a soul that experiences the source of joy can continuously give it away. 

Nourish your soul, share your soul, offer it to the source of joy and you will never be without it.


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