
Showing posts from May, 2021


 Happy Monday!  Isn't it amazing that when we recall how beautiful accidents happened in the past, "miracles" / "magic" / "coincidences" seem to always play a part?  Synchronicity is a term originally coined by psychologist Carl Jung that refers to deeply meaningful coincidences that impacts our life.  Some people may argue that we attach meaning to our experiences and that synchronicities are really random things to we force to connect to each other. I, on the otherhand, would like to tell my story someday with a surrender that inspires awe. I would like to believe that though I may play a part in "causing" things to happen, it is in those series of surprises that I get over myself and play along with the universe that I open myself to more joyful surprises.  What do we need to know about synchronicities?  1.  It happens more when we look out for them. When we are in a state of expectancy for positive things to happen, for signals of hope or

How To Be Happy For Others

 #forwordfriday  How can we stay happy for others?  Three practices we need to do right now because we all deserve to be happy.  Happy weekend!!

Happy for Others?

 Happy Monday! We have to find as many reasons as we can to be happy. A hobby, a dream, a goal, appreciating our experiences and blessings may be our most common go to.   However, since they all come from us, it may be a finite source and dare I say a "volatile" source.   There is one source though may be less scarce and less volatile.  This is to source happiness from the happiness of others.  Why is this a good source of some cheering up?  There's more of them than you.  We are surrounded by people we love, work with and live amongst.  In the era of social media, you are bombarded with information about other people.   Is it natural for you to be happy for others, though?  I have to admit, there are people I can easily be happy for and there are those I struggle to be happy for.   I tried to reflect to whom I easily get happy for? Here's my list: 1. Those who are also happy for me.  2. Those who are humble.  3. Those who generous and open.  4. Those who shared their

Laugh at Yourself

 #forwordfriday Laughter is best when shared. Is laughing at yourself also sharing? Of course! You share the happy you.  Why else is this a good practice?  Watch 📺.  Happy weekend!!

Staying Amused

 Happy Monday!  I once saw a poster about journaling that made me want to journal even more.  I could not remember verbatim but it sort of says that you have to keep a journal to amuse yo urself on long train rides.  I know mine will.   I may not be someone who have the best sense of humor or someone who can crack a joke. However, I know that I find myself amusing. 😂 1. I am amused of my thoughts.  That is why I write them.  Mostly, I don't find them amusing immediately. I tend to appreciate them more after I look back at them after some time has passed.  Its like knowing myself and my thoughts over again.  I don't know if it is because I am forgetful or because my previous thoughts seem wiser than the ones I have now, but that is how it goes. I appreciate my thoughts more when I read them as if they did not come out of me.  2.  I am amused by my misadventures.  My mistakes are my own and I wish not to punish myself with them.  I look back at my mistakes, lost chances, impulsi

My Greatest Fears

 #forwordfriday on a Sunday 🙂  As promised.  This week I'll reveal my three greatest fears and how I face them.  Happy watching.


 Happy Monday! Needless to say, no one is spared from feeling frightened nowadays.  From real threats of the COVID-19 virus, economic consequences, even fear of the unforeseen future.  Fear is an activator or an inhibitor: it causes us to choose between fight or flight. It may cause us to jump for action, act defensively, or withdraw out of dismay or timidity.  Is one better than the other? No.  Understanding what fear does to us will help us understand and respond appropriately. The more we observe our tendencies in the face of fear, the more we can evaluate if our response is doing us good or not.  1. Is your response to fear thoughtful? Are you able to discriminate real from made up threats and consequences?  2.  Who do you talk to when you feel fearful and unsure. Do they encourage your fear or challenge you to act?  3. How does your response to fear affect the way you face uncertain situations? Have you lost opportunities because of them? Have you become more creative? Do you surp

Do Not Be a Bitter Giver

 #forwordfriday We want to be able to give for the right reasons. How do we know that we are doing it right? Here is a 3 point check to follow.  Happy weekend!

Giving Freely

 Happy Monday!  In the past weeks, we have witnessed unprecedented show of generosity around us. It is wonderful to see and I know, for those who gave and received, this was a fulfilling experience.  As humans, it is in our nature to give. We give when we work, when we relate with family and friends, when we share information. Every act of man produces something that he consciously or unconsciously share, and therefore give.   There are two ways to give though. We can give freely or give in exchange of something. Both are perfectly fine. We cannot work everyday without a salary. We also should not raise children in exchange of them taking care of us someday. The intention should therefore be well placed and defined accordingly.  This is also why we feel off when politicians put their names on public services. Same thing when someone who poses to be selfless constantly reminds us how selfless they are.  When it is a transaction, the key is fairness. When it is freely given, the key is d