Dream Big
Happy Monday! I had a problem with dreaming big. When I was younger, people (managers, mentors, friends) attempted to make me dream big. I refused. I want my world manageable, not big. I want my life's work to be conscientious, not mind blowing. I want my possesions to mean something to me and "MANY" is confusing for me. So why am I posting this here then? Because along the way, (yes, now that I am older), life has ALSO taught me that you GET what you dream of. I repeat. You will get what you dream of. If you are built for it, if you are always walking in the right path towards your life's purpose, if you work on being ready, you will encounter opportunities that will fulfill your dreams. Our minds create a synchronicity that manifests what we want in life. Always thinking of a burger you missed, voila! Next time a friend asks you out, guess where he wants to take you? Been wanting for an opportunity to open up but dismi...