
Showing posts from November, 2020

Energy Cycles

 Happy Monday! I am alright ❤ First of all, THANK YOU for those who sent me messages asking how I am and why i was on pause.  Your concern is heartfelt and I am grateful for you.  I am surrounded by wonderful people 😍😍😍.   Our momentary pause is necessary.  I think this is also an opportune time to write about energy flow.  I have long recognized that I have an annual cycle of energy that I have learned to welcome over the past 20 years or so.  You see, I noticed that every year, attending the Christ the King mass was always a struggle.  I would often find myself "almost" unable to attend mass around that time. Either I'm tempted to succumb to laziness, to sadness, tiredness, want to go for more pleasurable activities, feeling unworthy, etc.   Whatever the reason, suffice it to say I find myself in a funk over this time of the year.  That is how I knew about my annual energy cycle.  Do you have that cycle as well?  If I knew it was coming, shouldn't I be more prepa

Silence is a Gift

 Happy Monday! Silence.  Being comfortable with silence is an advantage in many situations.  In selling, in negotiations, in relationships and even in our daily lives. Silence is powerful. It highlights pregnant moments of insight and realizations.  I consider silence a gift in three occassions.  1. When I am especially happy.  Although I may tend  to run to my go to people to tell my story or a good news often,  I find that when something really special happens, I tend to keep it to myself until I am ready to share it.  I enjoy recounting, imagining and the secret giggles.  2.  When I am extremely sad.  I have a confession, even when people come to me for their stories, i too have a hard time opening wounds to others.  It takes me time to process my own pain.  3.  When I am overwhelmed by tasks.  Silence centers me, calms me down and helps me let go of control.  The emptiness of silence reminds me that as long as I have myself, everything external is secondary.   Words are used to exp


 Happy Monday!  Surrender.  As I watch the news last week covering the typhoon and its devastating effects to many areas in Luzon, I cannot help but ask... how do they pick themselves up from here?  You know how when you lose a wallet, or when you've deleted a file by mistake, or misplaced an important document, you get so irked or dismayed and are instantly put in a bad mood. These are minute concerns compared to those who lost homes, properties, worse - loved ones.   All these in an instant. Even worse for those who had to go through a  few hours of fearing torrential rain, raising flood water and threat of danger.   In a few hours, damage has been done.  As in anything, picking up the pieces will take more work than simply building things up.   Surrender.  Where to begin? How to begin?  We succumb to the effects. Yes. Yet, standing up again is the only option.  No matter how little progress, no matter how hard it is to accept. No matter the cost. One can only decide to stand rig

Remaining Joyful in Difficult Times

 #forwardfriday habit!! Tonight I talk about 3 lessons to keep in mind to remain joyful in difficult times. ❤

Appreciating Providence

 Happy Monday!  Providence.  The world turned upside down and we are still here, surviving. We lost some people dear to us, and yet here we are still breathing.  The events of 2020 may have kept us perplexed, yet we kept ourselves sane.   I just want to stop for a moment and appreciate that. Life goes on.  How we can stitch one day to another, link one peso to the next is nothing short of a miracle for many of us in this "different" time.   This is not the first time I witnessed this happen in my life. 2005 was a year to recall, then again there was 2010, oh 2016 also rings a bell. Each of them had their own battles. Quickly forgotten as soon as I got used to the realities they altered.  More importantly, these years were followed by very awe-inspired years. If I learned any lesson from the past, it is that I should prepare to be pleasantly surprised in the coming years.  That is the essence of providence for me - that emptied out, I was made full.   Sorry if I am being vague

Creating Psychologically Safe Environments

  #forwordfriday Fear can move you to action or paralyze you to move. Nurture courage in psychologically safe environments. Why should you? Watch! #economyofinspiration

Psychological Safety

Happy Monday!  Psychological safety. What is that? It is when people know they can be human amongst other humans 🙂 . It is a space where you are respected whilst not being expected to be perfect. It is a space where people can take the risk of exposing who they really are without the fear of rejection, exclusion or diminished regard.   I just spent an entire weekend with my family and I cannot help but feel relaxed because I felt safe.   1. I know they got me.  I know I've got them too. I just don't know how.  If you get to be around my family, you'd know how everyone over prepares to meet everybody else's needs.   There's a downside to this though. The anxiety and stress of not knowing if one has given enough, prepared enough, protect enough.   2.  They laugh at my mistakes.  I am the eldest but I am also the most forgetful, least careful, most carefree (believe me!).  Yet, they manage to amuse themselves with my mishaps. What would otherwise feel crippling seems