
Showing posts from January, 2021

How Else Can We Look At Change?

 #forwordfriday to end the week on a high note!  Changes can be unsettling at times. It is up to us to ground ourselves so we could move past the uncomfortable stages of change smoothly.   Please watch 📺👇

Permanence of the Next

 Happy Monday!  Life is constantly moving. Instead of telling you that all familiar quote on change, I encountered a new line today by Yasmin Mogahed that is far more comforting- the "permanence of next".   There is always something NEXT.  Everything is a passageway to the next things in our lives and sometimes, resisting to step forward to hold on to what we had before is a sure way to disappointment and grief.   We are moving, changing, growing, getting old, progressing, ending... realities we cannot hide, or fight or deny.   When we see these things as changes, they may frighten us, destabilize us, shake us - because we want the familiar, the usual, the orderly, the continuous progress of the things we build, take care of and love.  However, when we look at these as the NEXT, we are just going along the path forward. That while we live in the now, we are always open to the reality that as we progress, there will be a NEXT.   Next opportunity, next challenge, next person, n

3 Things To Remember to Arrest Envy

 When we envy, we don't really gain anything because we lose our peace, we become less content with what we have and we tend to forget what we already have.  This #forwordfriday will talk about what three things we should remember to veer away from envy.  Please watch 📺👋

Overcoming Envy

 Happy Monday! Have you come across an envious person lately?  There is only one way to describe someone eaten up by envy - SAD.  That is why I believe that NO ONE chooses to be envious in the same manner that no one will consciously choose sadness.  Can someone who could not fend off feeling envious do something about this?  As I always advocate in this space, it all boils down to what mindsets you espouse and the corresponding actions you take.   1.  The world's blessings are infinite.  An envious person will feel that because Jane got 10 million, she would never get the chance to be richer and better.  Truth is, the blessings in this world is infinite. Why do I say so? Because even if Jane got 10 Million, some Sarah will get a hold of a 100 Million and then another Maria will have a Billion and so on.   What other people has do not have any direct relation to what we get to have. Their riches, their beauty, their smarts nor their poverty, misfortune or ignorance will not make us

Instead of Invalidating Feelings, Say These...

 In this #forwordfriday we talk about how we may be invalidating the feelings of others unintentionally.   If we do not want to keep doing that... how should we talk to those in difficult situations instead?  Let's be present for each other. We all need that! Happy weekend!! #economyofinspiration #joyinmetoday

Celebrate YOU!

 Happy Monday! How about we celebrate ourselves today?   All these reflecting about sincerity has made me dig deep into listening to my own stories. An exercise I would like to recommend to you.   We look back not only to remember but most importantly, to appreciate where are at right now.   The things we had to go through, the people we met, the lessons we learned, the circumstances we found ourselves in and the memories they elicit.   The things we survived, the events we have to make peace with, the problems that faded as we moved through them bravely and thoughtfully.   The hurt we felt when things do not go our way or when people leave.  The joy of finding how we are so aligned with and fond of someone new. The pride we felt learning how we can surprise ourselves when we really put our heart in what we feel passionate about.   All these experiences, people and feelings makes me appreciate my present and gives me courage to face the future.  They make we want to celebrate my NOW. 

Sincerity Is My Word For 2021

 Happy New Year!  All the distancing is getting to me and I know that I have to begin the year keeping in mind the importance of staying true to myself while being connected with others.   In this #forwordfriday let us discuss how one can be more sincere in the midst of the disconnection forced on us by our present circumstances.  Happy Friday everyone! May your journey to joy be true ❤❤❤☝️ #forwordfriday

Word of the Year 2021: Sincerity

 Happy Monday! Sincerity is my word for the year.  I missed writing and sharing in this page over the holidays. However, I also want to cherish the time I spent doing things for others, to celebrate and to be IN the season of love and beginnings.   The twin celebration of Christmas and New Year brings a lot of nostalgia and it is best celebrated with intention and constant effort to distance myself from what may not be fundamentally crucial to the essence of the season.   All the musings, reflections, time spent with family brought me straight to the door of my word for the year.  Sincerity is not my word because I am already living it. On the contrary, this year 2021, I will endeavor to learn and live it.  Sincerity in words, sincerity in moments, sincerity in action, sincerity in relating with others, sincerity in my dreams and pursuits.   I will try to sincerely appreciate the little things. I will speak with sincerity or speak not.  I will chase only the things that will bring me t