
Showing posts from May, 2019

My Resume

Happy Monday! How does your resume look like? I admire people who can show on paper how robust their work experiences and skills are. Building a rich resume is vital in professional growth and personally, it is a good way to keep tab of how you are driving your career. It is like saving money... you become more passionate as you watch it grow. I’d be first to admit though, I do not have an impressive resume. I wish I have, really. However,I have been very lucky to have encountered people who saw beyond my resume when they were in the position to judge my capabilities. Which leads me to today’s happy thought. I wish I could present my resume this way... •Imelda worked as a sales associate in a bank where her manager  Stephanie Caracta-Galang  got her as one of her bridesmaids on her wedding day, 3 years after she resigned. •She also worked in a headhunting company where her boss  Edna G. Ibrado remember accepting her for the job after she saw her skipping out o

Time: My Love Language

Happy Monday! My love language is time  ⏰ . I value people who spend time with me. I value people by spending time with them. I believe there’s no better gift that exemplifies sincerity more than time. On the flip side, I easily gauge people’s commitment by the quality of time they spend with me. It’s simple, right? Now that we are living apart from each other, daddy and my siblings are quick to jump at every reason to be together. Last weekend, I blocked off the whole weekend to celebrate my niece’s 1st birthday. I blocked off May 16-19 long before Elizabeth’s (my niece) parents figured out what to do on her birthday. No matter how, I’d be there. I think I have tailored my life to be able to invest my time as lavishly as I can with people I love. I may have some problems with focus though. I cannot do more than two people focus at a time  😂 😂 😂 . That is also the beauty of my love language. It is finite. It cannot be delegated, spread out of substance, experienced

You Count

Happy Monday! Let’s vote while we still can. Yup, that was what was running on my head the whole election period. Besides, there is nothing more compelling than the thought of losing a right to something. A right to see your family. A right to love the people you love. A right to safety. A right to be healthy. A right to peace. A right to live. A right to be happy. Any threat to these and people spring to action. Therefore, appreciate your freedom, your suffrage, your rights. Exercise them... that is the only way to protect it. Do you want to be happy? Do something about it. No matter how small. You count.

Begin With the End in Mind

Happy Monday! “Begin with the end in mind”. This principle popularly known as the second habit in Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Successful people is something I adhered to for a long time now. What is the by-product of practicing this principle?    Clarity. 1. Clarity of Purpose. In the end of our lives we will be faced with this question: What purpose did I serve with my existence? We exist for a purpose. Why are we here? Why do we do the things we do? Why do we matter? To whom did we matter? How will we be remembered? Anticipating with accountability the answers we will give to these questions will direct our lives along our purpose. 2. Clarity of Steps. When purpose is clear, we can make clear, bold strides towards it. We waste no time on things, thoughts, activities, even people, who takes us away from our purpose. Without a clear purpose, we walk fast towards a random destination. In the end, we might find ourselves somewhere we do not