
Showing posts from March, 2019

How To be Happy for Others

Happy Monday!  When you see people happy, achieving things, traveling, buying things, doing charity work, frequenting the sacraments, putting out inspirational thoughts, doing wonderful work... how do you feel?  Honestly assess this and look deep, because this very feeling may make or break your joy.  Sadly, some people, out of envy and malice will dismiss good work, good fortune, good thoughts and look for a way to discredit, belittle or put down people who are actually doing something with their lives.  How can we teach ourselves to be happy for others?  πŸ™ Welcome the day with gratitude not only for what we have but also for who we have in our lives. Those who helped us, those who teach us, those who are there for us, those who from a distance ignite positive thoughts in us. Thank God for their lives and how their lives make yours great as well. ✨ Recognize that the world’s energy is collective and as we uplift others, it will increase the general energy o

Loving Mondays

Happy Monday! Why do I write on Mondays? Before I answer that, I’d like to tell you that by God’s grace I have ended my battle with Mondays back in 2005.  How? Well, aside from deciding I will not work a single day more on something I do not completely love to do (which deserves another post) I realized that it is not the day that makes me really agitated but the “surprise” that it has. You know how we adjust from the carefree weekends to the “work-mode” Monday? No matter how relaxed I may be on a Sunday, Monday found me unprepared. Thus, I applied some “intentional” tweeks to help me to get ready for Monday and take it by the horns... as in every other thing that may make me feel like I’m not prepared. 1.  Prepare. Simple right? Loving Mondays start on a Friday. Leaving work or duties settled and taken cared of close of business day on a Friday makes our Mondays look like a clean slate, a new beginning.  I find that those who hate Mondays are also those who said, “It’s almos

Stop the Hate

Happy Monday! A lot of things happening around us evoke a feeling I’d like to talk about today. Hate. Unfortunately, hate is a feeling that is easy to spread because hate begets hate. That is, if we let it. Wherever it comes from, we should not imprison ourselves to thinking that we should retaliate with the same feeling as well. Pause, reflect, forgive if you must AND THEN move on to do the opposite. Care, love, act towards solution, gather people to a common goal of opposing hate, educate people against bigotry and narrow mindedness, use positive language and most importantly, take care of your mind. Do not mistake retaliation for justice. “For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.” #economyofinspiration

A Little Lower Than The Angels

Happy Monday!  You know what brought me joy this morning?  Realizing that we were created by God just a little less than the angels.  Let me explain.  First off, the season of Lent has started and so does our meditation on the Passion of Christ our Savior.  Second, the meditations for this season always starts off with a warning:  The Devil is as real as that person staring at you right now while you read this post 😰. Third, that the Devil and demons were once angels themselves but have managed to corrupt themselves due to envy and greed. For this they were forever damned to be separated from God which is by the way, the definition of hell (think 🧐). Lastly, today I rejoice because, knowing all the three above, I know that we, men, are loved and showered with God’s Mercy from the beginning of time.  If we were made exactly as angels, then our first parents’ sin would have damned the whole humanity to eternal separation from God even before we st

Joy of Missing Out

Happy Monday!  I encountered this term “JOMO” as the anti FOMO. Yes, that FOMO  that is keeping everyone well... without sleep πŸ˜‚ This week let us reflect on the things you think you are missing out on and how important they really are as compared to what you have in your life.  Conscience that gives you courage to converse with God, psychological freedom, family, time to renew self, time to keep yourself healthy , coffee time with real friends..... such things can be a luxury for some. Do you have them?  Outside these things, what else do you think is worth going gaga over?  Joy of missing out is a feeling that draws us back to the self. Fear of missing out on the contrary pulls us out of the self and into what everybody else have.  Be grateful for your life and the things you have now. No matter what else you get, if you always look outside, nothing is going to be enough.  Enjoy the week guys. May what you have feel enough!  πŸ“Έ