How To be Happy for Others
Happy Monday! When you see people happy, achieving things, traveling, buying things, doing charity work, frequenting the sacraments, putting out inspirational thoughts, doing wonderful work... how do you feel? Honestly assess this and look deep, because this very feeling may make or break your joy. Sadly, some people, out of envy and malice will dismiss good work, good fortune, good thoughts and look for a way to discredit, belittle or put down people who are actually doing something with their lives. How can we teach ourselves to be happy for others? 🙏 Welcome the day with gratitude not only for what we have but also for who we have in our lives. Those who helped us, those who teach us, those who are there for us, those who from a distance ignite positive thoughts in us. Thank God for their lives and how their lives make yours great as well. ✨ Recognize that the world’s energy is collective and as we uplift others, it will incre...