
Showing posts from January, 2019

Escaping the Victim Mentality

I am sometimes guilty of this. Up until I catch myself, I ruminate on the thought that life is not fair. That it favors others who are “more” than me.  Needless to say, that does not solve anything. All the rambling, all the worrying, all the feeling bad about circumstances (and worse, about people) leads to a dead end. Where all I have to face is stil, well, ME. ‘Coz in the end, I am responsible for this story I am living... as you are in yours. Listen to your self talk. When you think about yourself as an outsider in your life... always saying you can’t because he or she is to be considered, always saying you are not enough “yet”, always doubting if you can decide for yourself... stop.  You can. You will. You answer to yourself. If you are on the receiving end of this “victim story”, take time to listen, empathize but always ask... “So what will you do now? ”.  When you tell your “victim story” to friends or family, do they support, add on, justi

When You Don't Feel Good About Yourself

Happy Monday! Oh yes, despite struggling to be positive, there are days when you simply could not do anything right. It happens and it could really take a toll not only on how you feel, but on how you see yourself. So before one single event spiral you down to self doubt, let us look at some things to do when we do not feel good about ourselves. Putting yourself away from the situation you are into may also be necessary. Get a new perspective either on your own by thinking as a third party or by talking to trusted friends. Choose these friends wisely. Choose those who are objective, those who will show you a way to find a solution and not make you justify your problem or self doubt. I think this is what all the thinking should lead you. It’s a tall order to think you won’t have bad days, bad decision or bad temper all the time. Accept that you falter. It is not the end.  You are not your bad day, nor your bad decision, nor your bad temper. Things

Pushing habits forward

Happy Monday! We already reached the half mark of January, how are your resolutions going so far? I know... we all need help. We also need to help ourselves. Sometimes, it is in the simplest of tweaks that we can find the biggest boost in our quest to conquer the self, as most resolutions go. Here are a few reminders to help tide our resolutions forward this 2019! Aja! Use that planner you soooooo passionately drank coffee for!  :)   There is power in scheduling stuff even if they are not appointment with others but rather appointments with yourself. That one hour walk at 7:00 in the morning/evening is just as important as your meeting with the CEO of your company.   Schedule it, write it down, plan your day around things that will make you healthy, happy and joyful.   You will soon realize that work, family, friends will just be as supportive and respectful of those schedules as you are. I am just about in the league of the most

5 Notes to Self for 2019

2019 is sooo promising and I am excited to face it.  Before I dive into it though, I have to refocus and trim down my thoughts to what I think are important.  Here are my top 5 notes to self for the year 2019.    I don’t do this as often as I hope I could. I know that every conversation in my head addressed to God is a prayer but if you have had me sit down for a conversation, you’d know how I can be easily distracted by various topics.  So this year, I want to spend more time in focused prayer and make an effort to pray for others more. “That’ ok. It is your opinion, not mine.”  This year, I will guard myself from being too moved by the opinion of others. A constant check on “is that my voice or hers/his?” is in order. This is not to disagree but to simply not be drowned out by everybody else’s voice. “That’ ok. It is your opinion, not mine.”  This year, I will guard myself from being too moved by the opinion of others. A con