
Showing posts from July, 2018

Good Company

I have always been lucky to be surrounded by good people.  There are times, I just smile at the thought of how lucky I am to have met the friends I have in my life today. I am truly grateful!  I was never really a stickler for experiences. Be it in choosing a job, going places, attending events - I always bring one or two people from these experiences to my circle.  Through the years, I find that people who are not really for me eventually purge themselves out of my circle naturally .   Therefore, let me tell you the secret to keeping good company around:  Strive to be a good person yourself .   In anything, the struggle is internal.  Your first company is yourself.  You wake up with yourself and sleep with yourself.  Your own biases lead you to people who have the same biases.  Your own interest leads you to people who are interested in the same things.  Your philosophies lead you to people who share the same view.   People who are around us reflect our actions,

Where Would You Be In 5 Years?

Newton’s first law of motion states that every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line UNLESS it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it. Therefore, if I do not intend to be in motion, I will be standing still.  Figuratively, if I do not intend to make changes towards growth, I will stagnate in life.  Where were you in life five years ago?  How much did you grow personally since then? Is where you are right now a place you intended  yourself to be in? Is your life intentional?  Working on our life and living with intention is a life long process:. I’d say, it is one key ingredient to being joyful.  Since we all want our lives to improve, we can grow when we go after what we want with intention.   How do we connect with a life of intention and run with it? First, be AWARE of where you are in life.  Have a firm footing of your starting point. This is the point from which you will grow. If we do not know the cond

The Power of Mornings

Creating the life you love begins in the morning. That is how powerful this time of day is. What we put in our mornings help to set the mood for the rest of the day.  Putting in place positive habits at the beginning of the day will help usher in positive thoughts, intentions and energy.   Some pitfall to this though are the following:   1.  Rushing to the tasks of the day and being overwhelmed.  2.  Not having slept enough.  3.  We feel lethargic.  4.  Not feeling excited to face the morning.   So, how do we tap into this magic time and make the most of it?  Here are some ways I think we could enhance our morning experiences.   Power of the first thought.   1 Minute.    When  you woke up this morning, do you remember your first thought? How about intentionally directing it to something positive first thing tomorrow?  One thing that helps me is to have God as the first thought of my day.  Immediately, I surrender what is ahead of me to someone muc

Real Talk

Pouring your heart out to people who are close to you can be very liberating.  Why? Because you know you need not guard your words and you would always be accepted with understanding and that all will be resolved by openness.  No holds barred talk is indeed a true sign of real friendship.   That is why, I use real talk not only to release my feelings. I also use it to screen the people who are in my life.   I am grateful that I have a family and lots of friends who have been with me all these years despite my sharp words and less than pleasant forthrightness.   Don't get me wrong. I do teach about tact and in many many occasions, I use tact to deal with people.   Many friends would come to me to ask how they should state things, some doing role play with me even.   However, there are times when I speak without edits because I feel that there are words that lose their effectiveness if they are screened too much. Usually, I use them in groups where I feel safe, w