Surprise! Not Everybody Agrees with You
Happy Monday! Surprise! We think we can handle this truth, until we are faced with opposition, a different opinion, a person who just couldn't stand us. Then we start to think, "why won't he agree with me?" "What is wrong with... HIM?!" Yup, our natural tendency is to deflect rejection and become defensive. We justify our stance, we seek others' approval, we look for every good reason why we are right and he is wrong. Does not sound like you? Then maybe you belong to the group who immediately thinks, "What is wrong with ME?!" Another way to react to an opposition or dissenting opinion or rejection is to question our intention, our action or worse, our self-worth. Whichever way you swing in this continuum can be due to a lot of different factors. However, what I want to focus on today is not how it affects you , not why it affects you but what do you do with it? 1. Be objective. Either one of you may be ...