
Showing posts from March, 2021


 Happy Holy Monday! Sacrifice.  It is such a burdensome word.  However, such is not the case for those who love ❤.  People joyfully and willingly sacrifice for those they love.  Sacrifice is offered as a token of affection, a natural tendency to give and give in even at the expense of one's own needs.  It brings the lover the joy of knowing that in these efforts lie the presence and essence of one's connection with the loved one.   During this Holy Week, let us joyfully offer our little discomforts, our effort to put focus away from our needs to the needs and petition of others, and in prayerful conversations with God listen to how He loved us first.   May we  #encounterchristquietly this week as we contemplate on the greatest sacrifice made by the greatest lover of all.


Happy Monday! How simple is life?  Live with what you have Learn from good times and the bad Love deeply today Enjoy the week!!❤

What Have We Learned So Far?

 One year, quarantine or not, should change us.  What have you learned so far?  #forwordfriday

Take Care of Today

 Happy Monday! Well at least what is left of it. Things have been busy around here and I wish I could say it is because eveything has gone back to normal. One year since the lockdown, it hasn't.  All I know is that me and my family along with a lot of my friends have survived the most challenging year yet. We continue to hope that this ends soon.  A lot of people ask me how I stay sane staying at home. For someone who spends a lot of time working outside, traveling and meeting up with friends, I too am still surprised how this is not crippling me psychologically.  One, we have to continue looking for things to do.  I do not run out of things to do and still more that I wish I could squeeze in.  When you focus on keeping yourself productive, time just get occupied and days just seamlessly from from morning to night.  Two, keep moving.  Stretching has been a friend nowadays.  With the limited space I  able to work around with, the intentional morning stretches become increasingly nec

How To Have Tough Conversations (Mel Robbins)

  Taking a break However, difficult conversations still happen so here we go... Thanks Mel Robbins. #forwordfriday

Avoiding Conflict

 Happy Monday! No matter how you avoid it, you would still find yourself in conflict with someone at one point or another.  Why? Because we all have individual needs and we look out for our own as a matter of survival.  Guess what? The other person is also doing that.   When we find ourselves in conflict with another, we weigh if its worth it to insist or healthier to just give way.  However, there are times when situations persist and we just have to confront the other person already.  📷ctto What makes it difficult to talk about these things?  1. We are not ready to say or hear the truth.  The truth may be unpleasant but it does not have to sting. Always come from a place of resolution and understanding and that is what you will attract.  2. We do not trust that the other person can handle it.  How the other person will take it is not our concern. Our control lies on how we should say it.  3. We do not trust that our relationship with them can take the blow.   If it breaks with the t

Morning Routines

 #forwordfriday Morning routines help a lot in getting you set up to a joyful, productive day.   What makes up your morning routine?  Happy weekend!

Powerful Mornings

 Happy Monday! The way we spend our days is how we are spending our lives. It is a big responsibility and we owe it to ourselves to conquer the days we are given successfully.  To set the tone for the day, we should lay the foundation in the morning.  It is not always easy to start energized and positive.  A lot of us actually wake up anxious and science has an explanation.  Cortisol, our "fight or flight" hormone is at its highest in the first hour of the morning.  This brings to mind the Filipino saying "Magbiro ka na sa lasing wag lang sa bagong gising". Cortisol makes us react out of fear or anxiety.  Thus, we should establish for ourselves a routine that protects and controls this tendency.  Instead of spending the morning unprepared and rushed, establish practices that helps you calmly ease through your morning.  Wake up earlier than others to get a few more minutes of alone time. Have the materials you need near you (a good read, a picture of people important