
Showing posts from September, 2020

Prioritize These When Making Decisions

  Happy Monday! Do you ever stop to think what decisions led you to where you are right now? I have written about decisions many times in my blog and every time I make one that energizes me, I could not help but want to share about it even more. We may think we are making decisions every time, but really most of our days, when we are not careful, can be on auto-pilot. Although this is not completely bad, because making decisions every step of the way will surely exhaust you, it should not be the way to go on important things in life. For me, decisions are extremely important on these areas: 1. Habits. This is an everyday battle. What habits are stopping you from growing? What habits make you feel like you can conquer the world? Mind you, these are minute actions that when you decide to seriously build up on, can change you. Even the most successful people still talk about morning routines, or exercise or conquering vices like any normal person does. Simply because there is where th

Healthy Relationship With Work

 #forwordfriday time!! I shared with you something about work last Monday and tonight, I'll tell you stories to tell you about the principles I learned about work that makes me enjoy it, whatever work means at a given time.  I hope this is a nice cap to a work week... enjoy the weekend!  #forwordfriday #joyinmetoday

Waste Wisely Your Days

  Happy Monday! Why do i do the things i do? I found this in 1999 and posted it beside my work desk ever since (now in my room). I want to share it with you that you may love what you do no matter the odds... If what you do is meaningful to you... Go on. "To awaken each morning with a smile brightening my face; to greet the day with reverence for the opportunities it contains; to approach my work with a clean mind; to hold ever before me, even in the doing of little things, the ultimate purpose toward which I am working; to meet men and women with laughter on my lips and love in my heart; to be gentle, kind, and courteous through all the hours; to approach the night with weariness that ever woos sleep and the joy that comes from work well done - this is how I desire to waste wisely my days." -Thomas Dekker Cheers to days spent wisely my friends!

The Finite and Infinite Games

 #forwordfriday time!  Is the six month quarantine period (and still running) making you anxious? What can we change so we could be less worried as to when this will all end?  Watch and share this video.  Enjoy your weekend! #economyofinspiration #joyinmetoday

Simple Steps to Deal with being Anxious

Happy Monday! What are you anxious about? Ok, people often talk about anxiety nowadays and for good reason. We are in unprecedented times, life is changing as we know it and really, we do not know where this will all lead in the future. Yes, i did not say when it will end because frankly, I don't think it will. We will just be lead to different realities and would have to cope accordingly. So I guess, asking why one is anxious is already futile at this point. We got to start somewhere, though. Some simple steps to get us started: 1. Define if you are anxious or suffering from anxiety disorder. This is a very important step. We can be momentarily anxious over things when we hear about or are presented with a situation. Suffering from anxiety however, is compulsively worrying about things, or involuntarily manifesting extremely anxious behavior (crying, palpitations, sweaty palms) for no apparent reasons. For now, this post is for those who are anxious and not for those suffer

If This Isn't Nice, I Don't Know What Is

#forwordfriday time! Yup, I am using a new hashtag so you can get to the rest of my video posts more easily 🙂  This week, I am sharing a practice that I think would also increase your gratitude and capacity to attract more things to be grateful for in life.  Watch 🖥 and share  🙂  

Advantage of Happiness

  Happy Monday! I sometimes wince at the name of this page. Why soooo long? I could not help but put the word "Today" in the name - even at the risk of making the name of the page hard to understand or remember, I proceeded. It's that important. Finding joy in the now is as important as achieving joy once we've achieved a goal, perfected a habit, reached financial security or have things figured out. To some of us, it is such a long wait to suspend joy for. Then again, that question: Are successful people happy? Or are happy people successful? I lean towards the latter. Shawn Anchor, author of "The Happiness Advantage" agrees. He says: " People who put their heads down and wait for work to bring eventual happiness put themselves at a huge disadvantage while those who capitalize on positivity every chance they get come out ahead." Some mindsets we can practice in finding the joy of today. 1. Manifest it TODAY. Many other practices in the area

Remaining Productive Even If You Don't Feel Like It

 #ForwordFriday time once again!  It is important to put systems in place on our way to achieving goals because our energy ebbs and flows from time to time and we'd need to help ourselves stay on track even when we are less motivated or less energized.  Watch this video and get three things you can do to remain productive even when you don't feel like it 🙂  Enjoy the weekend!  To watch similar videos, check Joy In Me Today's YouTube channel. 👇