
Showing posts from July, 2021

What Should We Be Confident About

Some of the things the we want to have so that we can feel confident may be the very things that makes us diffident.  What should we be confident about instead?  Please watch. 


 Happy Monday! Confidence is something mesmerizing for me.  Whether confidence comes from wisdom or folly, it does not fail to create an impression on me.  So, let's not judge this entry for the soundness of confidence people have, I simply cannot judge that right here.  Cause you know, sometimes the best results come from the craziest idea coming from the least expected source.  That's the magic of confidence.  I learned through the years that it does not come from the best idea, the wisest study, the most talented person or the most popular person or source.  Sometimes, they are there just because one person decided that what he or she has is the best there is at the moment.   What is confidence made up of?  1. Conviction.  To stand by an idea, a talent, a line, a moment.   2.  Curiosity.  Consequences becomes secondary to curiosity.  3.  Courage.  There is a level of abandon with people who disp...

Benefits of Keeping a Journal

What stated as a childhood hobby is now a lifelong exercise.  My journals have become my friends through the years.  What do one get out of keeping journals.   Watch this #forwordfriday video for the 5 things that I look back to whenever I read my journals of the past.   Happy weekend!


 Happy Monday!  Yes, I am writing about journals again :)  I do not know how many times my journals directed me back to where I want to go.  You know how easily it is to feel like super one day and just the day after you feel crappy again?  I get that A LOT! One slack day brings me spiraling down to self-doubt like nothing is happening in my life.  Then, I get to go on board an idea, a session, an invitation and I feel super again - like I can do anything!  Journaling keeps me balanced.  I get to remember that just yesterday, I AM THE ANSWER to all the world's problems and that the generalizations happening in my head is nothing but drama ... ahahaha.   Do you keep a journal?  No time? Nothing to write about? Too old for journals?  I would like to say it loud and clear here.... IT IS A LIFE SAVER if you allow it to.  Journals are of different shapes and sizes.  There are those who write on them like novels.  Yet ...

I Am Enough

 I did not think I would enjoy making this #forwordfriday as much as I have.  I realized I have so much to say about the topic but well, I will leave that to other days.   In this episode, I talked about:  1.  When did we start believing we are not enough?  2.  What characteristics do people who feel enough possess? 3.  What are around us that should constantly remind us that we are indeed enough?  I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making the video.   Have a wonderful weekend!

Blossoming to Form

Happy Monday!  Sometimes we get stuck in the unbelievable part.  How could I be enough when there is so much I am working on in myself? My body, my character, my relationships, my finances?  How could I be enough when people around me feel disappointed when I fail, when I am not making enough money or maximizing my "potential"?  How could I be enough when I am always in need of somebody else's approval, validation, love?  Won't it be better to keep chasing a better me than resting on my laurels because I need to constantly evolve, improve, be better?  Whew!  Just running all that through my head exhausted me! Did it do the same to you?  Aren't you tired asking these questions? Settle in. I am about to share with you better questions to ask.  Who says what is enough?  What is enough for what? To like myself? To get started? To feel loved? To feel content?  Challenging a mindset of chasing and changing it to a mindset of growing is a ...

Prevent Being a Prisoner of Anger

#forwordfriday time!  Anger is a powerful feeling that we have to control if we do not want it to control us. If you are holding a grudge, still could not look at someone who used to be significant in the eye, or is still plotting revenge against somebody who hurt you... this is for you.     This Friday, let us talk about 3 ways how we could deal with anger and win over it from the start.  Please watch this video :)  Happy Weekend!  

Why Forgive Someone Who Is Not Sorry?

Happy Monday! How do you forgive someone who does not ask for forgiveness?   You simply do.  Most times we have to do things because of who we are and not because of who we are dealing with.   As we learned from our topic last week, not everyone may be ready to say sorry. Even worse when they do want to cause us harm or are not aware of the harm they caused.   Maybe it is time we differentiate forgiveness from reconciliation.  Although we may have to work on reconciliation with others, we have full power to decide on forgiving others first.    Forgiving is an empowering experience.  1. We exercise our power to give ourselves back our peace.  2. We overcome our emotion and use our will to forgive.  3. We begin to calm down and process things rationally, take responsibility for our part if any.   4.  We learn from the experience, the person and how to move forward (we may not forgive to forget but to wisen up)...

Why Say Sorry?

 #forwordfriday There's so much to be said about saying sorry.  I believe it is not an isolated task. It is usually a precedent to more important tasks necessary in relationships.   Enjoy the weekend! Thank you Luna Sanctuary Resort for this week's venue 🙂 😍