
Showing posts from June, 2021

Why Is It So Hard To Say Sorry?

 Happy Monday! They say it is hard to forgive.  For me, that's easier than saying sorry.  There's a lot to process to ready myself to say sorry.  I am not quick to realize my fault most times because I can be really stubborn and because I believe I think things through before I do them.   Yet time and again, I find myself in the wrong and no matter how dogged I am to insist on my ways, I myself realize that my way isn't always the best.   Despite the realization, what makes apologizing difficult?  PRIDE.  In each step of making an apology, pride will lure you away from it.    1.   To apologize I must admit that I am wrong.  Most of the time, admitting that my emotion got the better of me, that I did not have the best of intentions, that I did not think things through, that I acted selfishly or that i looked only after my own convenience - these mean that I did not only let the other person down.  They also m...

Be Brutally Kind

 #forwordfriday As we end the week, let's be honest and brutally kind... 🙂  Enjoy the weekend!

Kind vs. Nice

 Happy Monday! Me and my best friends would always joke around to say that we are not "nice" friends.   We do not mince our words. We say things even when  they are difficult to hear.   I have to be honest though, I am not as candid to everyone.  Unlike others who can be brutally honest in all situations, I can only be so amongst those I am closest with. Here are the requirements: 1. I need to trust that you can take it.   2. I should really care more for you than for what you'd think of me afterwards.  3. I must have all the opportunity to make up for it if anything goes wrong.   Otherwise, you will get from me, just enough of what you need.  I'd be nice.   But you know what? You deserve my kindness. You deserve to be warned, to be corrected, to be reminded, to hear what would improve you, what would do you good.   In the book Radical Candor, Kim Scott locates radical candor - that type of communicatio...

3 Ideas About Detachment

  Will it ever be easy to be detached? Maybe not, but it helps when we understand why we should. 3 ideas to help us in this #forwordfriday . Let's welcome the weekend everyone!


 Happy Monday! Use things. Do not let things use you.  I remember watching an episode of the Kardashians once (one of only maybe 3x) and i was struck by this convo between them.  I think it was Kim who was having trouble with bashers on social media and they inadvertedly said, it was good they were taught not to consume too much social media so that they don't get affected.  Duh! They have an empire because of social media.  This actually made me think and admire this stand though. They are able to do what they do because they are not consumed by it. It is what it is for them- a tool.  On the otherhand, those who "consume" them is another story.   I also read somewhere that Steve Jobs' children cannot have too much time on their phones (I'm assuming if they do have It'll be Iphones).   There are also people I know who are soo rich yet they bring up their children to appreciate the simple things, make them study and work as they do. ...

How To Be Antifragile?

 #forwordfriday this week is about how we can be anti-fragile 🙂  Just a few practical ideas to live by. I hope we all become anti-fragile and live our best lives!  Happy weekend!


 Happy Monday! Fragile lifestyles, fragile mood, fragile happiness, fragile relationships ... all of these put us in situations where our joy can be snatched out of our hands at any time.   What is the solution? Be antifragile.  Antifragile is not about stamina, resilience, or taking a blow.  It is all about learning, growing, thriving with the blow.  It is increasing capacity by being more understanding, by being more resourceful, by being more pro-active.  It also obviously does not make us respond with weakness or "littleness".  We do not shrink the problem or ourselves.   The best ways to be antifagile for me are foundational.  Review the basis of your happiness , relationship, work ethics, character.  So that when changes and challenges occur, you are motivated to withstand, keep and last in the game.   Rise above the challenge. Change the game. Change the status quo. Operate in another level.  By doing so, ...

Increasing Synchronicities

 #forwordfriday Let the universe work with you more. How do we increase synchronicities in our lives?  Watch in this video and try it out. 🙂  Happy Weekend!