
Showing posts from July, 2020

Breathe In , Breathe Out

Happy Monday! Deep breaths my friend. Take plenty! Your brain needs the oxygen to relax. This will enable you to be calm. "I don't want to calm down!" I understand you. Oh my, believe me! I feel soooo ill fitted to write about this. However, I also know someone needs to read this today. It may as well be me. So here goes... Breathe in, breathe out. Bad news, unpleasant surprises, comments that trigger irritation, knee jerk reactions that make you reactive - all these can make your brains whacked out and make you say or do things you might regret in the future. If you would put all your effort on something, make it intentional. Intention can only be set properly by a calm mind. You want to fight? Do it wisely and calmly. You want to give your all to solve something? Respond and not just react. Do it with intention- wait till you can think straight. How many times could we have saved time and effort if only we thought it through first? How many people have overtaken us beca

Thank You For Dropping By

Happy Monday! Well, for many it STILL is. Suffice it to say that losing someone is always a reminder to value those we have in our lives right NOW. Whether you are near or physically distant to your family and friends, in your heart, say a THANK YOU today. Better yet, if possible, call and say it out loud. For those who owns our heart who leaves us physically or emotionally, be grateful too. We own no one. Although it is easier said than done, LET GO. It'll break your heart, yes. Indefinitely create hollowness and grief, yes. Life is forever altered, yes. Possibly no comfort, yes. Remember though that our grief over losing someone is not the essence of our encounter with them. The times together, that IS what matters. Celebrate PEOPLE. Their look, their touch, their laughter, their stories, their dreams. We are ALL not here to stay. Let that make us appreciate our every breath and that of the lives we meet in this lifetime. Do not fear losing people. Be afraid instead of not loving

Hello Future Self!

Happy Monday! Quit looking at the future and set your eyes on your future self instead!  🧐 🥰 Point is, when a lot of things are beyond our control and everything seems to be a developing story, we give little help to the world to even make a dent if we fight big battles. Reality bites. The magnitude of societal challenges will just overwhelm us to the point of powerlessness and with government decisions going nowhere, even despair. So, what can we control? Our little w orld. Work on that and you might just make a difference. What would our future self be? If we play it right, we would 🔸️ be more responsive and willing to do the necessary 🔸 have a ️little less pride and be a little more proud over our little victories 🔸️ have a little more flexibility and be a little less set to old ways 🔸️  be a lot more patient with ourselves and others 🔸️ be more ready for uncertainties 🔸️  be more supportive and feel good when we build people up 🔸️ look deep at what we can take and do as a

Be Happy For Others

Happy Monday! Real Talk: The reason you are not happy for others is because you are sad.   It is not too late, you can still be happy.  As always, our feelings towards others is a tell tale sign of what we are battling with inside. Kick yourself out of the rut the moment you sense jealousy, bitterness or even resentment towards other people's happiness. It will make you a better human being just by learning how to find joy in the happiness of others. Some thoughts on how you can get started towards that direction. LOVE . I know when I truly love somebody. I am not threatened by their good fortune, I am first to be happy about their successes (sometimes happier for them than they are for themselves simply because I am "over") and I encourage them to do more/be more.  I also know that the reverse is true. When I don't love the person, I feel the exact opposite and I just know, the remedy is to LOVE THAT PERSON MORE. ABUNDANCE . I said this, and I am saying it