Open Communication
Happy Monday! Open communication is mind blowing! I guess I have always known this but I'm officially including it in my checklist of joy inducing requirements. Two of my friends who are practically sisters have always said, "We are not 'nice' friends". Meaning we can be brutally honest with each other and just the fact that we know each other so well no one can bu!#$h×t each other is in itself binding. We must always be aware of our level of friendship/relationship with people before letting our tact guard down, though. You know if you are not yet there. Pause. Compose your words so they come out right. This is why it is so liberating to be with people you can be "unguarded" with. Its like being home: unmade, slouching, hair in a mess and just babbling your brain out. New Rule: If I need to be careful talking to you, I'd put myself in a very very safe distance from you. Far, far away from you. Ahahaha. Let me break that d...