Mental Toughness
Happy Monday! No doubt, this quarantine is a mental battle. It is so easy to fall in a negative mental state. Sign #1: You'd want me to stop saying Happy Monday. Sign #2: You think that would solve anything. First of all, let me virtually hug you. What you are feeling is valid and you have every reason to be worried. Everything we know is certain no longer feels certain. You are thinking about your job, your finances, your responsibilities, your productivity, your family and their health most of all. You and I are no different here. I hug you in unity because I feel that way too. I apologize if it seems that my positivity is toxic. People who know me most knows how much of a worrier I am and I have to catch myself many times in a day to keep me from being myself. Which brings me to my second point. I refuse to feel helpless and overwhelmed by incubating negative thoughts. Why? 🎯 I'd feed fear and it grows, resulting to panic that clouds my judgment. 🎯 Anxiety...