
Showing posts from August, 2018

Clearing my Head

In the Happiness Project, a book by Gretchen Rubin, she found her way back to happiness by tackling one project at a time. One of the very first she decided to tackle is that of putting order in her physical space. I can relate to this strategy very much. If other women cut their hair when something is about to change in their lives, internally or externally, my version is “general cleaning”. No, I am not a neat freak. My office table shouts “fix me!” most days.  There was a time, way back when I was in a sales job, my sales manager called me up to check if I was still in the office simply because my table is still in chaos. I was at home. :) However, whenever I want to clear my head, or when I am gearing up to make a change or am about to embark on a project, I spend time clearing out my space. It helps me do something without much thinking  and yet the effect It has on me after all the mess is cleared out is immense. It gives me a sense of a clean slate, waiting for ...


There is always electricity in the air when you are about to start something. The first day of school have always been one of my fondest memories as a child. The night before boarding in to a new work, or just that moment before I travel. This week marked a new beginning for me. Last Wednesday i moved in to a new place to live alone.  New. Place. Live.Alone.  All these words leave me a tingle of excitement individually and together.  There were many sleepless nights before August 8 and little more shortly after.  I think, I had the most restful sleep I had for a long time last night.  Ahhh! The graduation! What am I learning so far? 1.  I am not ready.   How’s that for the first lesson? 2.  It does not matter if you are ready as long as you commit to be, soon .  Ok, so this is what matters.  There are things that you simply do not get a chance to learn unless you take the plunge.  This is one of them.  My move ...


I could not sleep.  My mind is running on overtime (at least one part of my body is running hehe). I have in recent weeks been exposed to so many inspired gatherings that I could not stop but feel awed by the collaborations and potentials I see around me. Which of course brings me back to the reasons why JOY is everywhere if we look hard enough. Often times, when i am worried about something, I have to remind myself to just ...GET OUT OF MY OWN HEAD and look for inspiration outside. Let me just share with you some platforms that are sources of inspiration for me now. 1.  Connected Women Philippines - is a global community of women entrepreneurs, freelancers and professionals.  They organize meet-ups all over the country. Founded by Ms. Gina Romero and Ruth Owen, Connected Women aims to gather women who support women and I think they are doing just that.  The amount of collaborations borne out of the gatherings are inspiring.  You can join the discuss...